About me


Hiya! My name is Gabriel Alves, and I take these photos and keep this website. I live in Kingsland, Georgia, after just recently moving in. I've lived in a lot of places as of late, too many to count really, but in every single one I reflect on how little I truly enjoyed the place I lived in until I had to leave, so thi will hopefully help me appreciate the beauty - both natural and man-made - that surrounds me, and hey, maybe it will help you too. I hope that this little project of mine brings you joy, and that it may help you appreciate the little things that surround you.

this website is WORK IN PROGRESS, please be patient ^^

My equipment

I use a Minolta XG-7 with a Rokkor 80mm lens as well as a Gemini Macro lens and a Vivitar flash I found in the trash. I usually use cheap Kodak and Fuji 400s, but I sometimes use Lomo 800 for darker shots.
